On Monday T 1 and T 2 went to Hanmer for camp we spent 2 nights and 3 days.
Day 1,We first went orienteering in the Hanmer forest. Our group scored 590 points in that.
The next day we done Conical Hill and then once we had finished Conical hill we went to the
Lolly shop called the Lolly Pot. After that we done tree climbing, I had only climbed the smaller tree but I tried the big tree and climbed both trees. Next we done Biking through the Forrest I spent most of the time at the back but eventually gained confidence and finished in the middle of the group, my difficult activity.
On the final day we looked at the really cool wooden carvings, there were birds and mushrooms even
a little family of rats. At the entrance there was this wooden dog. My groups last activity was Cemetery we had had to fill out question liked who was the oldest and youngest buried there,
as well as other questions. Hanmer Forest camp was really fun, my favourite activity was
tree climbing because I pushed myself to get to the squeaky at the top off the tree.